

Generate CSS is happening on the !

Don't forget that registration opens at with the opening keynote happening .


  Generate CSS is happening on the
  <time datetime="2019-09-26">26th September</time>!

  Don't forget that registration opens at
  <time datetime="2019-09-26 09:30">9:30am</time> with the opening
  keynote happening
  <time datetime="2019-09-26 10:05">just after 10am</time>.


While computers are getting smarter than ever, it can still be difficult to extract a time from a regular sentence. By wrapping any date or time reference in a <time> element, we can provide a more machine-friendly format to computers.

The datetime attribute contains a timestamp in a format defined by the specification. This can include dates, times, timezones and more.

<time> can be used without a datetime attribute, but its content must adhere to the same specification.