Speech Recognition with the Kinect SDK

Natural User Interfaces are great. They aren’t just an input method, but they adapt to who is using them or indeed how they are using them. We could go into the complexes of NUI here but I’m not going to. Instead I’m going to give you an alternative to the gesture-based user interface you’re used to with Kinect – speech recognition and voice navigation.

  • 21 November 2011

Taking a picture with the Kinect using Coding4Fun

A while back I detailed my first foray into Kinect development. Now I’ve learnt a bit since then, which includes a much simpler way of taking a picture using the Kinect’s RGB camera and saving that to the computer.

  • 14 November 2011

Migrating from Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 1 to Beta 2

I’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to C# programming in it’s entirety, not just with Kinect development. So when it was announced Beta 2 was available I pounced unknowingly into the undocumented depths of version migration. While the Kinect for Windows team have done a fine job with the update, it’s just not that well documented for average Joes like me.

  • 05 November 2011

Take the Kinect user survey!

I hate to be that guy but I need to perform some audience research for my project. See what makes you guys tick.

  • 25 October 2011

Kinect Banking App – What not to build

It takes a lot of courage for a newbie to the field of NUI such as myself to make as bold a statement as I’m about to, but I will.

  • 17 October 2011